Important If You Are Visting Us…
Normal operating hours are 7am – 4pm
Deliveries or collections requiring a forklift for loading or unloading must be booked in 12 hours in advance.
All visitors must report to reception (a brick building by the large oak tree)
Phone numbers are on the sign next to the site entrance gate if reception is unattended.
All visitors must read site information and sign in at reception.
Sales and business visitors by appointment only
Throne Farm – Site visitor check list
Please read this before signing the visitors book
- Safety Sign & Markings – Please comply with all requirements of safety signs
- Traffic – Machinery/vehicles and equipment are operational throughout the site. Please take care.
- Parking – All vehicles are parked at your own risk so please park sensibly
- Smoking – This is a “no smoking” site. Smoking is therefore only permitted in designated areas. Staff may only smoke during official break times.
- Fire and emergency – In event of a fire, please proceed to the “Fire Assembly Point”
- Any issues relating to health and safety or dissatisfaction must be reported immediately to the site manager
To prevent transmission of disease and food poisoning organisms, If the answer is YES to any of the following or are unsure of any question, please check with the site manager before entering:
A: Chicken sheds.
- Have you been in contact with any poultry in the last 72 hours or Free range poultry within in the last 60 hours?
- On this day have you been to another broiler farm with birds older than those on this farm or which has a known disease problem?
- Have you been in a region where virulent ND or AI has been diagnosed within the last 6 months?
B: Chicken sheds and/or food and drink area
- Are you suffering from: Salmonella infection, Dysentery, Stomach upset/Diarrhoea or Flu like symptoms?
- Do you carry any form of recording equipment?
In addition:
You must wear suitable clean protective clothing (boiler suit or equivalent) and clean disposable boots. You must wash your hands or spray them with disinfectant before entering and leaving either facility, after visiting the toilet and after handling any food, drinks or cigarettes.
Signing the visitors book acknowledges that you have read and complied with the above.
Thank you for your co-operation