Cider making kit 220 litre
Cider making kit 220 litre
We have made cider making really simple by assembling all else that you need to ferment a brew and incredibly for around 7 pence per litre (plus vat & delivery)
Just receive the juice, assemble the airlock and incorporate the additives.
Everything has been considered to include:-
A super Major airlock
Grommet and Grommet take off.
Sodium metabisulphite
Dried wine yeast BIOFERM DOUX
Yeast for the production of wines and ciders with higher residual sugar content. By keeping the natural fructose intact, a residual sugar level of 5-15 g/litre is possible. Produces fruity white wines and soft red wines. Also suitable for fruit wines. Limited acetaldehyde formation. Ideal fermentation temperature: 15-20 °C. Moderate alcohol tolerance: 12-14 % Vol. Dosage: 2-3 g/10 litres.
When purchased, these kits will be sent free with your fruit or juice orders. Please contact us if you require kits sending out separately.