Featured Products

Livestock feeds
We are now able to offer great value produce direct to customers, from straightforward wholecrops to purposefully formulated Total Mixed Rations.
Putting 15 years of regenerative farming experience into practice, our diverse rotation and agroforestry systems allow for the moderation of artificial chemical inputs. Nutrition for our soil and crops is a real focus and we are confident that this is reflected in the quality of our produce.
A novel approach to feed preservation, incorporating the use of our Orkel compactor baler, yields consistency, quality and convenience.

Soil Improvers
Frustrated at composting losses of not just heat energy but also Carbon and Ammonium in gaseous forms, we set about working out a new natural process to retain them within our poultry litter to create an optimised soil improver.
This was made possible by making Orkel bales within which temperature increases cease as oxygen runs out. The main secret to the success of the process is with the addition of effective microorganisms and their additional food sources. These uniquely act to stabilise and compost without oxygen within the bale whilst being able to adapt when added to an oxygenated soil environment to make the nutrients and carbon within the soil improver, available to the roots of crops.
We approach apple growing a little differently to most. Having sought more regenerative practices for the last decade we have encouraged diversity through agroforestry. Air and light around our fruit trees vastly reduces disease burden and wildflower strips encourage natural pest predators. This leads to a vastly reduced chemical input and a major step towards nutrient dense apples or in the case of fruit destined for keeving, a proportional nutrient balance, Space around trees also lends itself to our new "Shake & catch" harvesting system.
Fruit Pressing
We can contract press Apples, Pears and stone fruit that are delivered to us.
Also use this category to mix and match our apples to make a blended juice.
Please speak to us about this or any other fruit pressing requirements you my have.
We also have a small portable mill and hydropress that can be easily transported to your site.
An Amos belt press is used to provide a consistent, high quality juice.
Apple Juice
A wide choice of Cider apple varieties are grown on our farm with a minimal intervention from chemicals and utmost respect to soil and plant nutrition. These are then carefully squeezed on site using our Amos belt press.
My ancestor, viscount Scudamore, is credited with introducing cider apples from France to the UK in the 17th century. In a small way it felt like history repeating itself when I travelled to France in 2010 to select three varieties of Perry pears. In the winter of 2021 we thinned 60% of our Pear trees, allowing them more light and air and enabling Shake & catch harvesting whereas our "Invincible" and "Williams" dessert / juicing pears were selected from the start for the 2017 agroforestry plantings because of their growth habit and juicing quality.
Cider making kits
All you need for the complete Cider and Perry making package. We have put together a compatible range of kits including airlocks to suit the packaging, Yeasts and natural additive.